Challenges that are usually encountered when using cloud services

Scattered Information
Too much information is often troublesome in knowing which one is useful. Even more, everything gets scattered when working with multiple cloud service providers.

Unpredictable Spend
Some unforeseen increases of cloud cost may appear on the monthly bill. Less analytical data and cost management make it more difficult to predict and prevent.

Inefficient Purchase And Resources
Purchase and resources are the key to cloud cost savings. However, this only works when we know which option best represents the actual usage.
Take control of your cloud cost with
Nimbus Stream

Centralized Portal For Multiple Cloud Service Providers
Nimbus Stream is integrated with all 3 cloud service providers (AWS, Azure, GCP). It pulls the cloud costs and allows you to monitor them within a single, centralized platform.

Built-In Data Analytics Capability
With a strong data analytics capability, Nimbus Stream allows for easy orchestration, analysis, and visualization of cloud costs through customizable dashboards.

Equipped With Cost Monitoring Tools
You will be able to plan your budget and set alert notifications for certain thresholds such as 50%, 75%, and 90% of the budgeted amount. No more unpredictable spikes at the end of the month.

Best Advisor For Cost Optimization
Nimbus Stream leverages the latest updated data from all the CSP portals to provide complete recommendations of purchase and resources.
Hold on! More features are to come